
Rome wasn't built in a day.
But it was sacked over night.

Let's not say that such a phrase is completely unique to me since it's rather generic and could have been said many times before.
However, my mind made it up rather than heard it from somewhere.
I say it because it is relative to something on my head.. Which is about human relationships. I find it strange how with most people that despite the consistency that relationships aren't built overnight that somehow they can end that quickly.

For myself I am very much the type that becomes attached and doesn't let go easily. I never have been able to take it easy just like I can't act like it is no big deal. Though that doesn't mean that time can't heal my wounds.. It does mean that I have my course of turbulent thoughts and am ravaged by my emotions.

I am not alone in this either. I am constantly wondering to myself if what I suffer through is part of my personality or just a consequence of the relationship itself.
What is true for one isn't true for another.. A strange concept when held to the light of a world full of consistencies in the physical form.
even psychological aspects have a consistency.. They just operate differently since they are contingent on individual factors like perception and experience.
None-the-less, my thoughts center around realistic concepts if I give it time.

In other walks of life, I have noticed that one thing that is consistent about this phrase is the mental aptitude of people. Such as what physical damage can do to the brain or how some people live their lives according to events that happen.
Since I'm not trying to focus on a judgmental mode if thought, I shall keep my deduction simple by saying that so much work goes into a persons life to achieve a desired result.. It's simply amazing when everything falls apart around them for whatever reason... Simply because it is a reminder that in our great strength we also have a great weakness.