Mind Mapping

Now who would have thought that computers would make us smarter, enabling us to make better things in every catagory of the world?
Who could have conceived the magnitude in which the realm of homosapien communication would be changed, forever?
Could there have been anyway to realize the full potential of the brain without technological advancements?

All questions that have been answered but only yield more questions without answers. The test of time is the point we should grasp whenever contemplating the 'history' of the future as we know it.
For now let us delve into the intuition-inspired android application by the name of Thinking Space.

Unlike traditional flow charts, this system is designed to facilitate thought on an idea or anything you can write down instead of the user un-friendly mechanics.
The tools are wonderfully sorted out by catagory and are neatly visualized in a GU Interface that is smooth and responsive. Though there is the need to brush through the 'getting started' example map, there is also a help section in detail that overlines the mechanics and even practical uses for the App.

Take it from me... I am using it to map out my insanely intricute fictional masterpiece as well as map out the detailed relationships between my crush and 'influences' all around her.
Aside from the program being intuitively stimulating, it appeals to linear logic and complements imaginative processing.

A well rounded reason to use a tablet for hours in a most enjoyably productive way.